Atlantic Training!

Thank you for showing up! I do hope this landing page is compelling enough to get my résumé in front of you and get us talking about how we can help each other out.

I am Richard Smotherman. I have done design and marketing for more than 20  years within the full spectrum of industries in both ad agencies and marketing departments. Here are a few areas I have some experience in:

  • sales funnels (direct mail to online)
  • copywriting
  • ad concept and creation (digital and print)
  • split testing
  • email campaigns
  • video marketing 
  • pitching accounts

I like what you guys are doing over there and am interested in investigating how I can help. I’m not looking to be just a designer. I love sales and marketing. So, your Marketing Associate- Remote job post got my attention. Perhaps this will be a fantastic fit. Let’s talk and see what happens!

Here’s some of the video work I’ve done:

Here’s a weekly show I put together each week for Abacode Cybersecurity about current hacks and breaches:


Call me at (727) 344-9865

Here’s my Résumé,

…If you’re into that sort of thing…
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